I honestly can't believe I'm turning eighteen tomorrow. It's an alien feeling to think I graduate from high school next May. In elementary school, I used to feel like graduation was years away, and it was, but back then it felt like hundreds of years. Each year of school was different, some were more difficult experiences than others, but it has been and is still a mostly worthwhile ride. Now there is one last semester to go before I cross the finish line. Then there's college: an exciting, but even weirder thought. I want to pursue creative writing because it is my passion, I know it.
I'm not superstitious or anything, but I can't help but wonder if I will feel different after I turn eighteen. Maybe as the hands of the clock click past 3:36 pm, I'll feel changed somehow. My mom certainly hopes so. Will I be just like my normal self, like I am at this moment? Or will I be different? I can't make tomorrow afternoon come any faster, so for now I am waiting anxiously to find out.
Just as a nostalgic thing, I have a couple pictures of me from so long ago. They are photos of me at my preschool graduation, circa 1998. Sorry they are overexposed, but I guess that's what happens when undeveloped film doesn't see the light of day for about ten years.